Shraddha or food to manes 347 Infinite Progress 6. Garurha Purana न ,*, 846 Blunders of Brahmoism. 344 Madhavism 375Īll to study the Vedas 324 Lingankitism. Krishna defended 343 Story of Nose-cuts Yod „ 372ġ2 Genitals of Light 344 Frauds of Swami Narayanists. 371Īuthor of Bhagwat 343 Swami Narayanism ‘, 972४

Origin of Bhagwat 340 Sankalpa or offering 367īoar Incarnation 341 Ballabha’s imposture. , +» Markande Puran., 340 Bullabha charya 367 , 387 Kurha Panth 365Ĭreation in Shiva Purana 388 Gosainism £ a. Service of the teacher or Guru 385 Its dogma 364įalsehood of Puranas. « ‘New Vedant ^ न ` ५ 808 Modernity of Idolatry. 306 Vindhya Goddess ,०, SORĭistinctness of sonk:) ». , 380Īdhyaropa or Adhyasa 304 Amritsar क ५ ay | Vedant ` ` OA 303 Jwala Mukhi and Hinglaj. Not sanctioned by Vedas 300 Gaya छि प vee 326Ĭharvaka or Materialism ,3801 Jagan Nath Puri 3 क, ` /। men’s Images vee O25Ĭow, Horse and Human Miraches AND 84 6४) Pracgs. Orgies 9 "ee 297 Worship of 5 Gods vee 324 ‘Wam Marg 297 Arguments against idolatry. 821Ĭauses of decay 296 Two kinds of actions vee 822 ‘European Popes 295 No Idolatry in Vedas ०. ‘Indian Popes । 295 Spiritual worship in Upanishat 321 Great War or Mahabharat 294 Monotheismin Veda., se 321 Goldstucker oj 293 Falsity of Invocation `. 319ĭara Shikoh 293 Inefficacy of Faith oe neĭr. 292 Muttering of God’s name वि ` ^.Ĭradle of civilisation. 292 Plea for Idolatry ५ ९२ 318įirearms in Sanscrit. Refutation and Advocation of Vaishnava Idolatry. Summary ' 14: 289 Shanker and Reamanuja 317 Hating together 286 Chakrankit Vaishnavism a.

Parmauand Saraswati = 7 Visit to Ajmere 05) Severance of family tie 2 Lala Ram Saran Das, ` osĬonversion to Vedant. Reflections on Idolatry 2 Visit to Lahore. Parentage + 1 His appearance and characterĮducation ge 1 Discussion at Chandapur +| Or Swamr DayanaNnD 88430471, - can lk an vo ry Full text of " An English translation of the Satyarth Prakash literally, Expose of right sense (of Vedic religion) of Maharshi Swami Dayanand Saraswati, 'The Luther of India,' being a guide to Vedic hermeneutics"